Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Jeffrey Meyers has a blog / web-page!

Jeffrey Meyers' web-page / blog here is going to be worth a serious look, if the other stuff I've read by him is anything to go by.

If you've not heard of him, he wrote the excellent and thought-provoking The Lord's Service on the Covenant Renewal shape for the gathering. It is by far the best introduction to Covenant Renewal, and featured highly in my dissertation last year (examining two diverse paradigms for the gathering in the light of Heb 12:18-25a).

Jeff Meyers is one of the many exciting theologians who have been influenced by James Jordan: Peter Leithart, Mark Horne et al... For more of James Jordan's stuff, have a look at the Biblical Horizons site here, or read his outstanding Through New Eyes (or do both!). Leithart's A House for my Name (an OT theology) and A Son to Me (a Samuel commentary) unpick, work out, make plainer and amplify some of the ideas in Jordan's Through New Eyes - which is a brilliant, puzzling and exciting book... I'm re-reading it at the moment, but it is so huge, and its concepts so far-ranging as to be a pretty hard & slow read (but that might just be me).

This post was going to be about Jeff Meyers, but a bit of other stuff has crept in. Never mind - it's all great stuff. Tole, lege! (Literally: 'take & read', but in the singular; not sure what the plural of that would be, but I'm sure someone will tell me.)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Seeing as you asked, tolete, legete, I think, are the plural imperatives.

9:03 am, September 28, 2006  
Blogger Emeth Hesed said...

The plural of "tolle lege" (double L for "tolle") would be "tollite legite" ... it's one of those pesky conjugations.

1:10 pm, October 20, 2006  

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