Monday, October 30, 2006

Tim Chester's blog + John Owen

Tim Chester's blog is here. Worth a read - he's a great writer and speaker: Crowded House in Sheffield, Northern Training, The Busy Christian's Guide to Business (which I reviewed here) and so on...

His book with Steve Timmis, called Gospel Centred Church is an absolute delight, and well worth the (not huge) time it takes to read and (much longer) time it takes to reflect on, pray through, implement and so on. The forthcoming follow-up volume is more likely to be in the category of 'Sequels like The Two Towers' than 'Sequels like Rocky II or Home Alone II'. I'm looking forward to it (sometime in early 2007).

I was particularly struck by his review of a new book (well, three books in one volume) by John Owen, basically re-phrased for the modern reader, but not abridged. Remember Matthew's comments here about Owen's readability! I've benefited massively from Kris Lundgaard's The Enemy Within, which is also taken from these same Owen classics.

(Reason for week's pause in blog = great holiday in N Wales, not the general laziness I'm so regularly saddled with, Mr Pete Matthew!)


Blogger Big Pete said...

Are you accusing me of being the saddle or that I accuse you of laziness. I do hope it is the first as I have a picture of you as a horse with me as your saddle!

12:41 pm, October 31, 2006  
Blogger Andrew said...

I take that point, and would like to mention that I already have a bad back, and you might just qualify as something more than a straw!
(I'm not calling myself a camel here, by the way; just so that's clear!)

5:31 pm, October 31, 2006  

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