Sunday, September 30, 2007

Sovereign Grace Music

Sovereign Grace Ministries are great! My focus here is on their music - which may well be familiar to many of us... Here goes:
  • The songs have excellent words - really strong theologically.
  • The tunes are generally strong too.
  • And I don't know what more we would want, in all honesty!!
So, if you want to see what they're like, do check out their website here.

Top 3 CD Recommendations

OK, so I only list 1 or 2 tracks from each CD - but bear in mind they're 3 of my top 10 Christian CDs, and if I told you everything I liked, we'd be here all day!

1) Songs for the Cross-Centred Life is the first one I came across, with my top song of the last few years, namely I Come by the Blood which has verses setting up the problem of God's perfection and our sin, with choruses that show us the solution: "I come by the blood, I come by the cross...". Other crackers include two brilliant solos The Look and I Will Glory in my Redeemer. I also love the congregational Jesus my Only Hope which has the great section:
when Satan's accusations
make my poor heart afraid
I hear my King declaring
Father, that debt is paid
2) Valley of Vision is a bunch of songs taken from the great great book of Puritan prayers by the same name - which I use each day in my prayer times, and love... The highlights of that CD are the brilliantly trinitarian Heavenly Father, Beautiful Son, Spirit of Light and Truth
and outstanding Let your Kingdom Come with O Great God a stunning solo piece...

3) Worship God Live is much more on the rock side of things - and is stunning from first to last if you like things a) live and b) rocked up. I love the first and last songs particularly, but the whole thing's cracking.

Anyway - Sov Grace comes highly recommended!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just bought them all! Hooray for Sovereign Grace Ministries!

9:20 pm, September 30, 2007  
Blogger Unknown said...

Brilliant CDs. I love Grace Unmeasured on WGL. I come by the blood is great, as is I will Glory in my Redeemer. VOV is great - Let your kingdom come and The Precious Blood particularly.

Their books are pretty good too!

2:27 pm, November 03, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is great info to know.

12:25 am, November 11, 2008  
Blogger Fin Langman said...

I can also strongly recommend their "Savior' christmas cd. One of the bext christmas albums I know, full of great songs. 'Hope has come' is a favourite in our congregation at christmas and all year round!

Fin Langman

2:50 pm, October 25, 2013  

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